
Unlimited Contacts

Unlimited Contacts, Unlimited Connections with Project Broadcast!

Expand Your Reach
With unlimited contacts, there are no boundaries to who you can reach. Whether you're targeting hundreds or thousands, Project Broadcast ensures that you can connect with your audience effortlessly.
Expand Your Reach
Personalized Engagement
Build meaningful relationships with your audience by sending personalized messages to each contact. Tailor your campaigns to specific demographics, interests, or behaviors to maximize engagement and drive results.
Personalized Engagement
Everything you need
Explore the Abundance of Project Broadcast Features

Discover a wealth of capabilities within Project Broadcast. From automated campaigns to personalized interactions, explore an array of dynamic features designed to streamline your communication, nurture customer relationships, and elevate your business engagement effortlessly.

Get Started
  • Automated Campaigns

    Effortlessly schedule messages for follow-ups, reminders, and nurturing sequences, ensuring consistent and timely outreach.

  • Tagging & Segmentation

    Efficiently organize contacts with easy tagging and segmentation, enabling precise and targeted messaging for specific groups.

  • Personalization

    Elevate your messaging with dynamic fields, like first names, to create personalized connections effortlessly.

  • Templates

    Quickly communicate with message templates. Save time on common messages like intros or follow-ups, boosting efficiency.

  • Keyword Opt-Ins

    Let customers opt into campaigns or events by texting a keyword, ensuring precise messaging to interested parties.

  • Trackable Links

    Track engagement efficiently. Generate trackable links to gauge interest and measure campaign impact for better decisions.

Business messaging with a personal touch Get started
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